Sunday, July 16, 2006

Another fine mess.....

Just when everything was returning to some sort of normality, and Lebanon is nearly rebuilt after the war(s)… Hezbollah/Hamas (Iran, Syria) and Israel decided to blast everything and return the country back to the dark ages.

I don’t think Israel is to blame for the mess, but somehow the response seems to be wholly disproportionate to the crime. Not only that, but damaging the country’s infrastructure and making the people suffer regardless of whether they are supporters of Hezbollah or not, will not solve anything, in fact it will just encourage others to follow in the footsteps of Hezbollah/Hamas and other extremists.

I’m an Iraqi Muslim (by birth), I couldn’t care who rules me as long they do it in a just and fair way and as long as I have my freedom and my rights and as long as I’m being treated as an equal to everybody else. If Israel could promise me that , then I would call myself an Israeli.

And the winner is…....


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