Sunday, August 27, 2006

What Price?

Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, in a TV interview aired Sunday, regretted that he had ordered the capture of the two Israeli soldiers. Had he known it would lead to such a war he would not have done it.

It's OK to say that to me and to others, but what about the 1200+ people who were killed because of this little misadventure.... What can you tell their families and loved ones, I don't think regret or a simple sorry would cut the mustard this time... What about the damage to the Lebanese economy and infrastructure....

New York-based group Human Rights Watch has accused Israel of acting outside the rules of war by firing cluster bombs into civilian areas. Critics of cluster bombs say the relatively high numbers of unexploded bomblets can kill and maim long after conflict has ended, and that their use in civilian areas breaks a legal ban on indiscriminate attacks. In response, the Israeli military told the BBC: "All the weapons and munitions used by the Israel Defence Forces are legal under international law and their use conforms to international standards."

If there is any justice left in this world, both the Sheik and the Prime Minister of Israel, their backers and arm suppliers should be tried for crimes against humanity...

We can't let anybody get away with killing civilians for any reason...


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